Srinivas Rao is a Certified CEO Coach and senior Business Leader with about 36 years of experience. He specialises on coaching businesses and entrepreneurs for aggressive growth.

2013 - Present
CEO Coach, The Indian Manufacturing Academy
- Certified CEO Coach. By CFI.
- E-Learning Development for all Industries.
- Leadership Training for Functional and Behavioral
- Knowledge management for Companies.
- Implemented Business Systems in about 25 Companies.
- Helped Companies to grow their topline by about 3 to 10
times in 5 years.
- Helped Companies to Improve Bottom line significantly by improving Cost structure, People and Asset Productivity.
- Developed Markets for Companies.
- Coached Entrepreneurs and Senior Executives who went on to win ‘Deming Grand Prize’, ‘Best Emerging
Entrepreneur at National and Asian levels’.
- Helped companies improve their Overseas Markets.
2006 - 2012
Executive Director, Elgi Equipments Limited
- Led Operations, Technology, Business Excellence,
Business in China, Oceania, South East Asia teams.
- Helped the company grow about 6 times during the period of my stay.
- Built ‘Elgi Business Systems’ for the Company.
- Helped the company to improve People Productivity by
about 4 times.
- Helped the Company grow Businesses in overseas
1994 - 2006
Vice President, Rane Brake Lining Limited
- Led Operations in Hyderabad Plant and then in the Mother plant.
- Was part of the senior team that won Deming Prize in
- Helped the company to improve People Productivity and Developing People Quality of Processes and Products significantly.
- Turned around a sick company that was taken over by
1984 - 1994
- Worked in Finance, EDP, Business Development, Administration functions.
- Set up a Factory in Silvassa, Gujarat
- Marketed Software.
- Helped implement Systems in remotefactory.
- Developed MIS.
Other Experience
- I was the Deputy Chair of Manufacturing Council of Tamil Nadu in 2009-10.
- Currently on the Board of Studies of Firebird Institute of Research and Management
- Served on the Board of Elgi Sauer Limited from 2010-12
- Director on the board of Indian Manufacturing Academy Pvt Ltd.
- ACMA with Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of India
- MBA with Open University Business School of UK.
- B.Com in Osmania University
- Got educated in Industry in Japan, Germany.
- Certified as a CEO Coach by Coaching Foundation of India